Protecting your roof this winter

A moss covered roof can be a problem in the winter when the weather gets colder and wetter. The organic material will stay saturated for a long time, keeping water on the roof rather than allowing it to flow away efficiently. This in itself can lead to problems and will cause the roofing materials to wear away at a faster rate.

When the temperatures drop, the problem can worsen substantially as the water will freeze and cause even more damage. The moss may even force water in-between the joints of tiles. When this freezes, it can push the tiles apart, creating flaws in the roof that will allow water to get into the loft space. Fixing these problems can be very expensive, particularly if the leaks go unnoticed for a long time.

It is always a better solution to have the moss removed from the roof before the worst of the winter weather arrives. It is advisable for this to be done by hand, as using a pressure washer will only place more water on the roof. The pressure can also prise up tiles and could even strip the protective layer from them, making each one weaker and more prone to damage.

Hand removal allows cleaners to be very gentle with the surface, ensuring that no damage is caused in the process. It also allows cleaning to be completed to a much higher standard, as the cleaner can pay attention to every detail without missing any areas.

As one of the most outstanding roof cleaning companies in Surrey, we can provide professional services to help property owners this winter. Our roof cleaners are highly experienced and will work with great care to ensure the surface is not damaged any further. This is particularly important if the moss has been established for a long time because it may have weakened tiles substantially. We will clean all of the material off carefully then add a biocide for extra protection. If we discover any broken tiles we can also replace them for you so your roof is left clean and watertight.