Are you making these innocent gutter cleaning mistakes?

We are a company that assists its customers with one of the most difficult to maintain parts of their properties. This would be the roof. The team focuses on coming up with solutions that are both effective and long lasting. Because of this, we are the best when it comes to roof cleaning Reigate has. We also excel at gutter cleaning.

Clean the gutter regularly

Frequent home maintenance is vital for the upkeep of the structure. Part of this should be gutter cleaning. If you neglect it, you may experience a host of issues. Examples include basement flooding, structural concerns, and also foundation problems.

Initially, gutter cleaning might not seem hard. However, those who have attempted it know exactly how disastrous it can be. To prevent complications, you need to watch out for these innocent mistakes.

Work from the bottom

You shouldn’t clean from the top of the roof. Countless people believe this is a practical idea. In reality, the opposite is true here. Laying, standing, or kneeling on top of this structure doesn’t provide you with a stable platform to work on. It can lead to major injuries if you are not careful.

Protective gear

Something else you don’t want to do is work without any protective gear. You would be surprised at the number of people who do this. However, it is a risk not worth taking.

Roof Cleaning ReigateOne piece of PPE you definitely need is a form of eye protection. There is no telling what will come out of the gutters and downspout. Furthermore, birds, wasps, and bees could be hiding inside the guttering. They won’t respond favourably if you disturb them while cleaning. Some heavy duty gloves will keep your hands safe from sharp items too.

At Surrey Roof & Gutter Clean, we offer the highest quality services. This includes gutter and roof cleaning Reigate home owners can trust in. We rejuvenate your roofs and gutters to add longevity to the property. We will take care of all the blockages we find, getting rid of leaves, moss, algae, sticks, and more. In addition, we can introduce measures like caps to stop future blockages.

Contact us today if your systems could do with a clean.