Supplying non-abrasive roof cleaning solutions

Moss can grow on almost any surface such as walls, pavements and trees. Its growth produces tiny spores that eventually become airborne. These spores settle on roofs and other potential growth sites and during the colder months of the year the spores grow into moss. It can be a particularly persistent problem on roofs.

With winter approaching, now is an important time to assess the condition of all roofs. Your roof provides coverage and shelter for your home, and any damage and defects can lead to unwanted issues and expense. When the weather is drier with less moisture in the air, the moss will turn into a plant mass resembling rust. Unlike algae, mould-fungi and lichen moss is difficult to clean and more damaging to roofs.

Shingles are particularly susceptible to moss growth, especially those with small spaces in-between that have collected spores. In the wet climates that we experience in the UK moss typically grows into a mat that can be several inches thick. It is commonly found on roofs that are heavily shaded by trees, those that face north and those that cannot dry out due to insufficient sun exposure.

When moss has grown it basically acts like a sponge and soaks up and stores rainwater. That water then seeps through the roofs layers until it saturates the sheathing. This can lead to decay and mould growth which eventually compromises the integrity of the entire roof. In severe cases the supporting structural roof membranes can begin to decay. This is a particular problem with heavily ventilated attics.

Our specialist Surrey roof cleaners can clean and restore your roof while thoroughly removing moss and other damaging presences. Our manual removal technique is non abrasive and is a highly effective and safe method for older roofs with well worn tiles. Alternatively, we can remove moss with a specially created biocide treatment.